Monday, October 17, 2011

Avenger's Trailer Released

Marvel has done what DC has failed, or, not wanting to do. Put together a team of their finest super heroes and create the biggest superhero movie ever. Creating this movie has been a well thought plan created by the guys at Marvel and looking at their blockbuster hits, it seems that the words game changing are very appropriate to use in this paragraph.

From DC’s perspective, they don’t have to do this because, as they’ve said, their movies are “better”. I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to watch a bunch of people in tights, I don’t want to see personal dilemmas, social responsibilities, and Superman carrying an island full of kryptonite, I expect a lot of action, explosions, and more witty lines from Robert Downy Jr.

Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, the dude from The Hurt Locker, Scarlet Johansson’s boobs, the New Hulk, Mother Loving Samuel Jackson and Stan Lee will all be in the movie. Let’s just pray the days will pass faster, Avengers Assemble!