Saturday, October 22, 2011


“Money is the Root of all Evil.” We all know that one, the cliché that generally says,  money is bad, stay away from it. Naturally, the douche bag in me contradicts everything, and this cliché didn’t escape my douche scope. Leave money alone, I said, money brings happiness, food, shelter, edible gold and Justine Bieber’s chewed bubble gum. The problem is not about the money, its greed.

Clearly this is true, but throughout the years as I’ve been exposed with Sequels upon sequels of movies, TV shows with stretched out story lines, and news about Big Corporations bleeding the earth dry, I’ve come to accept that money really makes men evil, to the point that what they do doesn't make sense anymore. Here is one example.

How I Met Your Mother

I’ve been a fan of How I Met your Mother since season 1. Everything about it was excellent, the writing, the cast, the story telling, the premise, Barney’s catch phrases. I’ve watched every season over and over again and somehow I’ve found myself laughing at some things that I haven’t noticed before. I was at the brink of wishing I was in New York drinking every night with my friends and sharing my seemingly never ending bag of experiences, but something troubled me. HIMYM should have an expiration date.

HIMYM’s main story is about a guy named Ted telling how he met his wife to his kids on the year 2030. He was 27 when the show started in 2005, so it meant that he was telling the story when he was 52. 52 years old having kids that looked like 14 and 16 which meant he had kids when he was 38, presumably. At 2012, he should’ve been 34; will the show end in 2016? Or will they stretch it further?

This was a personal dilemma (I am really a fan). Would I want it to end, or would I want to continue because I can’t let them go. But the sitcom had to end, the story is so diluted that the integrity of the show has been compromised. Robin dated both of her best friends, broke up, had sex with her ex multiple times, and had feelings for the other one again. Barney the ultimate womanizer is now getting married and is having a monogamous relationship. Ted has so many dating experiences and yet he is completely clueless. Marshall and Lily is now pregnant and that looks really… appropriate.

Everything about it has changed and it’s not that interesting as before. They’ve stretched the series so much and it has been sort of annoying. I still somehow enjoy the show but sometimes I end up hating it because it’s too far from what it used to be. For me, it has to end and be legendary once again.

Would I want you to watch it, yes, but be warned. Season 1 of HIMYM was the best and it all goes downhill from there.


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