Monday, October 31, 2011

Funny Halloween Prank

Happy Halloween!

Bored? Play This Now!

Stop whatever you’re doing and play this game. Seriously, I started playing an hour ago and I just took a quick break to write this review. This game is so addicting, I’m now on level 31, and the final level is 32. I can’t think straight right now, I want to go back and finish the game but I have to tell you why its so great.

Man Painstakingly Endures Face Tattoo Removal

His name is Bryon Widner. He used to be a white supremacist, had tattoos all over his body. HATE was decorated on his knuckles. Swastika symbols inked on his head, blood soaked razors adorned his face. But a miracle happened and he decided to be better. He wanted to become a caring father to his young boy and decided to change his life.

But with his tattoos, change seemed impossible. Surgery wasn’t cheap and they had no health insurance. Looking for a job with symbols of racism on his face was a very hard thing to do so they sought for help.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Today's Best of the Web

Real Murderers that Are More Terrifying than Horror Movies

Russia Explores Moon of Mars, Your Move USA

Hugh Jackman is Wolverine, Wolverine 2 Set in Japan

Iron Man will Face Captain America, Please Don’t Do It

Quotes from Steve Jobs, Get Ready for Some Crazy but Smart Words

PS Vita is Dead Before it Is Born

There are Now 7 Billion People on Earth, Humans! Humans! Humans!

Coca-Cola Truck Gives Free Stuff

This video is very inspiring. A Coca-cola truck pulls up on the side of the street and gives away Coke and other free stuff to people who push a button. This is a very clever marketing video as the video is interesting and admirable.

PS Vita, Epic or Epic Fail?

If you’re a Sony geek like me, you’re probably excited for the PS Vita. But looking at the promotional video, nothing is really revolutionary about the Vita, or ultimately, Sony. PS Vita boasts its gyroscopes, touch screen, and better graphics, but that is so last year. The “pinch” ability is a nice touch but what if it turns to be a real pain the ass?

The Wii U, Nintendo's Final Ace?

I’ve talked about the front runners of gaming today in this article and Nintendo is one of them. Although this link tells that Nintendo lost 55 Billion Yen (a first for the gaming giant), it doesn’t cover up the fact that they are still a company that puts innovation first instead of making the same thing over and over again.

But sadly, innovation has its risks.

Tattoo Cover Up, Make up that Makes You Look Normal, Sorta

Now here is one reason to get tattoos. Have you seen Bored Kitty’s post on WTF (why the face) tattoos? Here is one again on action promoting a very efficient make up. If that make up can make that “artistic” man seem normal, then I tip my hat to you make up company.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bored Kitty Challenge

This question wrinkled my brain.

Beyonce Makes Fan Sing, Suffer the Consequences Fan

This is one of the reasons why Artists shouldn't let fans sing.

Today's Best of the Web

Steve Jobs is Not a Good Role Model

Meet Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, The Next Steve Jobs

Rape is Cure for Homosexuality

Charlie Sheen Sells New Show to FX, Yay Says His Coke Dealer

Final Fantasy Needs to Go Classic

X-Men Gender Bender

Want to Spoil Your Brains Out? Go Ahead and Click the Link, I Dare You

How to Attract other People

Having problems because you look like shit? Fear not, Jenna Marbles of Youtube fame will show you that even if God hated your guts even before you were born, there are still things you can do to make other people like you.

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol

This is the latest trailer of Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. Directed by the excellent Brad Bird and starred by none other than the totally normal Tom Cruise.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Johnny Depp Confronts Ricky Gervais

Johnny Depp gives Ricky Gervais a piece of his mind and tells him to suck a duck. Well the last part's not true, so is everything you see. Most people now believe that the above video was true, not everyone is as smart as you eh?

Gecko Helps another Gecko from a Snake

This is not a fable or a euphemism. A gecko really helps a fellow gecko escape the fatal clutch of a snake. The surprising thing is, the woman chose to record what was happening. Do you know how much geckos cost in the black market? Grab the geckos and get your money bitch!*

Today's Best of the Web

Which Community Character Are You?
There Is A New Zoolander in the Works, No More Fockers
Beavis and Butthead Renewed on “M”TV
“Incredibles 2” May Materialize if Right Story Comes Along
Friendship between Spielberg and Lucas Made “Indy 4” Possible, I Hate Friendship
Top Ten Halloween Apps
Sony Buys Ericsson, Will Focus on Tabs, TVs, Laptops, and Phones

Instructions for Above Photo:

  1. Stare at the red star on the girl’s nose for 30 seconds
2. Turn your eyes towards the wall/roof or somewhere else on a plane surface

3. Keep blinking your eyes!

4. Comment below!

Flame Thrower Gloves


This will make arsonists cry, in joy.

Is this an Iron Man thing?

Call me crazy but I’m not shaking that guy’s hands…

…Or give him a hug.

His fuel might be coming from his butt.

Robot That Can Do the Walking for You

This thing has 12 legs and walks or creeps eerily. It can be controlled through remote control and can carry 175 pounds. The robot’s feelings on being used as a high-tech mule haven’t been confirmed yet.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thing I Want But Don't Need

This will so get me laid.

Today's Best of the Web

Lindsay Lohan to Pose on Playboy Magazine: Skeet Skeet Skeet

Jon Huntsman’s Racist Joke on Colbert Report

Living Fossils Coelacanths Thrive in Africa, Yes I Want One

Mark Wahlberg Opens Burger Restaurant “Wahlburgers” NoShit?!

Barack Obama Has a Tumblr Account

iPad 3 Set for March?

Women Make Great Entrepreneurs in The Digital Age

LYNX - Rules to Rugby

This is Video is very informative. After watching this, you’ll know everything about rugby. Like me, you’ll know all the terms like… ah… what?

Inhalable Caffeine

Still drinking that venti caramel macchiato at Starbucks? Lame! That was so two thousand and ten. That's right I said it, drinking coffee is not cool anymore, get your caffeine hit with this caffeine inhalers.

Painting or Photograph?

View more from this Link.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Bored? Watch this, one of the greatest dance videos I’ve seen, my mouth was half open when I was viewing this.

Kids Create Bellagio-style Water Show in Pool

Kids performing a fountain show in a pool with water guns, pretty cool.

The Real Deal on Real Steel

"Kiss me quick, I'm Wolverine."

Most of my friends kept asking me, “Have you seen Real Steel?” I always said no before and it made me feel stupid. They kept bugging me about it so it gave me the impression that it was a good film. When someone tells me that a movie is good, I always set the bar a little lower so I don’t end up disappointed. Segue, I got my popcorn and my big ass bottle of filtered water; bought a ticket and sat down, saw the film and now you have a movie “review”.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Steve, I Am Your Father

The whole world is still mourning the loss of this generation’s greatest innovator. There are a lot of news being shown on TV and the internet about his life and we’ve come to know bit by bit the making of a Steve Jobs. Recently, according to his biographer, Steve Jobs actually met his biological father in a restaurant, shook hands and that was it.

Today's Best of the Web

Paranormal Activity Breaks Record: For Scaring the most Shit Out of People

138 People Dead After Major Earthquakes Hits Turkey

Johnny Depp Banned From Talking About His New Film

Is PS Vita Going to Be the Handheld of the Future?

Nikon D300 Goes to Space, Sends Back Amazing Pictures

Twins Give Birth on Same Hospital at the Same Day

WTF?! Robot Plays Angry Birds: Prepare for Slavery Humans

Beauty and the Bitch

Love Beauty and the Beast? Watch this, seriously, it changes many things

Crazy Fast hand Cake Lady

Why do Asians have to do everything with kung-fu? You can send your violent reactions to the racial slur that I made via the comment section.

I’m kidding, I’m also Asian so I have immunity.

Real Life Modern Samurai Cuts BB Gun Pellet

This time I’m dead serious, Samurais live in our time. Watch as Isao Machii cut a BB gun pellet like a boss.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Color me Freaky: WTF Tattoos

Tattoos are cool, but sometimes people get carried away, drunk, stoned, passed out, sometime even all of these beautiful descriptions at the same time. Let me share with you some WTF tatoos, WTF meaning Why The Face?

Gaming Evolution

I’ve been playing games ever since my father bought a knock off of the old family computer. He followed it with a handheld, and then bought me a PS one 5 years after its release. It became a tradition after that, my next PS was purchased 5 years after its release and the same goes with the PS3 and the PSP.

You could imagine my frustration/excitement waiting for the years to pass by to the point when I can finally afford these game consoles and handhelds. And with all that years of waiting, I had more than enough time to ogle and research.

Today's Best of the Web

Pink Haired Barbie has Tattoos and Punk Clothing: Fetish Upgraded

Lolita “Fashion” Invades America: Serial Killers Rejoice

View This: Pics on the the Set of Avengers

The Ten Worst Movies of All Time: Posters Will Make Your Eyes Bleed

Marvel vs Capcom 3 New Characters

Tim Burton Designs a Horrifyingly Cute Balloon for Parade Because He’s Tim Burton

Spoil Yourself: Spoiler Synopsis on Avengers Clip

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today's Best of the Web

Summary of Apple News Including Steve Jobs Biography

Apple VS Google and Microsoft, Steve Jobs Says These Companies Are Dumb

Legendary Comedian Ricky Gervais Apologizes for Using “Mong” Word on Twitter

Gaddafi’s Son Spent 1.3 Million Pounds Every Month, Used to Party with Jay-Z

Having Many Facebook Friends Makes Your Brain Denser

Your iPhone 4S Can Pour Beer for You: Lazy Drunks Rejoice

Orionid Meteor Shower Will Make the Night Skies more Gay

Old Meme: Funniest Five Second Clip Ever

This video has been seen 32 million times. It shows a prairie dog, not a chipmunk, which turns around dramatically like a soap opera actor would reveal a big secret.

Make it fun by imagining a soap opera cliché before playing the clip “I am your twin brother from your mother who was the daughter of your father”.


“Money is the Root of all Evil.” We all know that one, the cliché that generally says,  money is bad, stay away from it. Naturally, the douche bag in me contradicts everything, and this cliché didn’t escape my douche scope. Leave money alone, I said, money brings happiness, food, shelter, edible gold and Justine Bieber’s chewed bubble gum. The problem is not about the money, its greed.

Clearly this is true, but throughout the years as I’ve been exposed with Sequels upon sequels of movies, TV shows with stretched out story lines, and news about Big Corporations bleeding the earth dry, I’ve come to accept that money really makes men evil, to the point that what they do doesn't make sense anymore. Here is one example.

Another “New” Avenger’s Trailer

This is just another clear cut sign that the Avengers Movie will rake in shitloads of money. The hype it’s receiving from the trailer alone is generating a lot of related content from fans.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ninja Attack

When a lone Ninja dares you to fight him, what would you do?

In a world full of innovations and high tech toys, it is pleasing to know that the art of ninjutsu is still practiced. 

iPhone 4s Siri Flaw

iPhone 4S Voice Control Function Siri Used to Bypass Password

The iPhone 4S has been taking the smart phone market by storm even though it is not an entirely new iPhone. Still, the latest smart phone from Apple Inc. is very promising with better features such as faster processors and improved cameras.

Today's Best of the Web

Everything You Need to Know About Gaddafi

Gaddafi’s Final Tweet: I Am in Sewer, Don’t Tell Anyone #Don’tKillMe

Sony Will Turn Assassin’s Creed into A Movie

Southpaw, Eminem’s New Movie Will Not Be about a Rapping Boxer from Jajan Gas

New X-Box Arrives 2013, Too Soon? Too Late?

Money, Mastery of Martial Arts, and Fetish for Tights Doesn’t Make You Batman

Anime News: New Gundam Anime

“New” Avenger’s Trailer

If you’re familiar with the movie Be Kind, Rewind, you’re probably nodding your head right now whilst looking pretentious. The Avenger’s Trailer has been sweded, and it is defined by as…

“The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using limited budgets and a camcorder. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded.

Steve Jobs Refused Treatment from Doctors

Steve Jobs is a genius. And with all geniuses, they have some quirky traits that tend to be self destructive. The smarter a person gets, the more he will believe in things that don’t do shit like spiritual healing, ghosts, Santa Clause, and the American Health Care System. Sadly, Steve Jobs didn’t heed his Doctor’s advice to get surgery for his cancer. Instead he used alternative medicine and the power of denial.

Thursday, October 20, 2011



 This video is not for the squirmish. Gaddafi is dead and the road to peace on Libya is set.

Today's Best of the Web

Community’s Troy and Abed’s Wall of Frieeeeendship

Eating Nothing + Drinking A Lot = “Drunkorexia”

Man Sculpts Bananas: Has Too Much Time in His Hands

Ricky Gervais Makes Fun of People with Down Syndrome, also Susan Boyle

49 Animals and 1 Man Killed in Animal Shelter Release

George Romero Refused to Direct The Walking Dead

Anime News: Akira Green Lighted, Shooting Starts Early 2012

Man Commits Suicide Inside Mall

It has only been a few weeks since the suicide murder case occurred inside a mall in the Philippines which churned a lot of talks about teen psychology. And now another man took his life by jumping from the 3rd floor also inside a mall.

A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas Red Band Trailer Released

Harold and Kumar are back and this time, their taking advantage of pricier 3D cinema tickets and the spirit of Christmas. Well, the Christmas thing is just part of the story, and the movie will be shown “prematurely” on November 4.

Folow Up on Toddler Hit and Run

Yueyue, the child on the video has been pronounced brain dead by her doctors. But a Chinese paper named China Daily has been reporting otherwise saying that her blood pressure and heart beat is showing signs of stability.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today's Best of the Web


TV Shows That Make You Think: Hint, Involves Words “Game” and “Show”
View This: Cyclops Shark is Very Real, X-Men Fans, Your Excitement is Misguided
See Anything Curious? Movie Posters that Look Alike
PS Vita, Available in the U.S. next February, Christmas is Ruined
Harry Potter Documentary Discusses Implications on Actors After Final Movie
Deleted Scene From Captain America: Fondue is Really Code for Dipping “Things”
Matrix Sequels Not Bad as You Think, Maybe Even Worse?

Quantum Levitation

Seriously, if you want to be amazed, watch this video. This is one of the most visually striking proofs that our technology has been increasing exponentially. In here, we don’t need to debate whether there are particles that are faster than light or if the Road Runner cartoons exist in a parallel dimension.

Some Shirtless Guy is Punching the Crap out of Shia LaBeouf

We all know Shia LaBluh. The lovable girl like screamer from the Transformer movies. Aside from being a movie star and having a hard to spell last name, his ass is getting kicked in this video from TMZ.


-Comments Inside My Head While Watching Video-

Status liked.

WTF Dennis Rodman?!?

I can’t believe how turned on I am right now.

This is what Beyonce’s baby is gonna look like.

Outrage in China After Toddler Run Over

This is shocking, oh God, help me. That dude’s accent is so weird. Aside from the distracting accent, wtf China? I though you dudes were down with being one with nature and shit, I watched Kung-fu Panda 1 and 2 man, you were supposed to be caring, cuddly animals that know kung-fu.

China is the newest super-power, but has it sacrificed its morality to gain its current strings of success?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today’s Best of The Web

Global Warming Causes Shrinkage… of Animals You Perv
Batman Join’s Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Remember, He’s Part if the 1% $$
Man Sues Warner Bros. Because Hangover 2 Was Based on His Life, Really It Is
Childhood Destroyed: The Truth About Your Favorite Kid’s Show
Jason Statham May Possibly Star in Future Transformer Movies
Protect Your Baby from TV, Stop Watching Glee, Yeah I Said It
Subscribe, A Cyber Stalker’s Bff

Instructions for above image:
1. Look at the3 dots in the image for 3 seconds.
2. Look up at the ceiling for 20 seconds
3. Stare in awe.

American Reunion (2012) Red Band Teaser Trailer

I was just a kid when they released the first one, and that was 12 years ago. I remember way back that this movie was one of the favorite topics to be discussed amongst friends aside from the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and closet queen Ricky Martin.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Today’s Best of the Web

Man Tries to get Rich with iPhone
100 Year Old man Finishes Marathon: What Have You Done with Your Life?
New Batman Game has Many Flaws, Still Awesome
New Transformers Movies in Discussion, Expect Autobots to Prevail, Again
This is Wrong: Chloe Moretz, Little Girl from Kick-ass All Grown Up
Ghost Rider 2: Nuff Said
Image of Childhood Crush Destroyed: Meet Kyoko Hinami

iPhone 5 was Steve Jobs’s Last Project

The iPhone 4S has come to slightly blow us away. Though the iPhone 4S is the best iPhone yet, part of Apple’s shortcomings is the misleading belief that the electronic company was supposed to release the mythical iPhone 5. Now, rumors are circulating on the interweb that the iPhone 5 was Steve Jobs last project.

Shot to the Head and Boredom is Dead, Walking Dead 2

Our generation has been described by many with various definitions. We’ve grown up reading Harry Potter books to be later exposed to Twilight. We forget how to make letters because of e-mails, tweets, and instant messages. Most of us wear watches as accessories, and we don’t give a damn if they tell the right time. We know Clint Eastwood as a great director and not as Dirty Harry.

Kill Boredom with Comedy: Watch Community

From this point on, I’ll suggest shows for you to pass your time before you shed your mortal shell. The very first thing you should watch if you love comedy and a little bit of complexity is Community.

Its Good Zombie Fun

We all want it to happen. A zombie apocalypse where all the people have turned into the undead and you get to shoot them with a sniper rifle from your attic window. Where you could lock yourself up inside a mall and eat all the food in the food court. Or perhaps ironically watch a zombie movie inside a theater and laugh at your own sick inside joke.

Avenger's Trailer Released

Marvel has done what DC has failed, or, not wanting to do. Put together a team of their finest super heroes and create the biggest superhero movie ever. Creating this movie has been a well thought plan created by the guys at Marvel and looking at their blockbuster hits, it seems that the words game changing are very appropriate to use in this paragraph.

Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak First in Line for iPhone 4S

There are two major things affecting Apple right now. First, is the passing of Steve Jobs, 2nd is the release of the new(ish) iPhone 4S. Now there has been a lot of talks going on that the 4S is not a new entire smart phone at all and Apple is just abusing its humongous fan base to get more money. This may seem like a very huge dick move, but on Apple’s defense, the new iPhone 4S has new software features, a faster processor, an improved camera, and better battery life.