Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bored? Watch These Shows

Have you seen the show? I hope you do. Not because I watch it so you should watch it, it’s just that, the premise is so great. A serial killer who kills bad guys exclusively. His day job, a blood splatter technician that helps catches murderers and serial killers. The writing is also very good and the characters have different personalities that make them so interesting.

The highlights of the show come every time Dexter is nearly caught, sometimes by her own sister (which is a detective) and every time Dexter kills his new target. The show tries to make us understand that even if the protagonist is a killer, he is still human that interacts with a set of friends and family, has a day job, and has other problems that most of us experience.

Now this one is pure cave man, has a very simple premise but has layers and layers of stories to offer. Hung is about Ray, a teacher who lost his job and decided to become an “escort” to make ends meet, and also, he has a huge dick. Mostly this show is funny, sort of Coen brothers funny. Obviously there are a lot of sex scenes which makes the show very interesting. Not that it banks on the show's soft porn side, but it helps.

Like Hung, this is another show from HBO. This series' comedy is more obviously shown and relies mostly on the off chance that you have smoked weed before watching. This is sort of a stoner comedy show but it still works without being high. I don’t know if this will help but Craig Fergsuon watches this show and he only watches 3 shows, Project Runway, Myth Busters, and this show.

Maybe that’s a stretch but if you’re a fan of The Fergs it’ll surely mean something. If you’re bored to death then watch Bored to Death, it has Zack Galifiniakis in it so that may catch your attention.

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