Monday, December 26, 2011

Failed Obama Assassination by a ... Baby

Yes, This is a Movie Based on a Meme

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This is The 2011's Youtube Video of The Year

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

30 Rock Season 6 Trailer

BBC Frozen Planet is Awesome

Daytime Fireworks are Pretty, Looks Expensive

Enjoy the Internet While it Lasts

Today in our time, we are immensely enjoying the enormous benefits of the internet. From social networking to file sharing, to games, blogs, and the different web sites. We can not deny that the internet is a very big part of our lives.

The internet is no longer a simple network of computers with information that interest few people. The internet is the source of knowledge from everything and anything. Here, we can voice out our pleas, our gratitude, our dislike for Glee and Twilight, and our approval (or disgust) for online porn. Our computers have been our best friend, it’s the first thing we turn on when we get home, it’s our gateway to the outside world.

All of these things may come to and end with a simple approval of a law.

The SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act or H.R. 3261) and the S. 968 (the Protect IP Act) are bills that seem to have good intentions but are truly filled with abusive legal powers to dominate the entire internet.

For example, our blog uses pictures from different celebrities and other content from Movie studios, TV networks, and other companies. If SOPA is passed, all it takes is a letter from the copyright holder to take down ANY site it wishes to be dried up, thus depreciating its value.

It will also severe the ties between companies that process payments like PayPal and other credit card companies, and without funding, most of the small businesses that utilize blogs and websites will all die.

There goes innovation.

There goes the memes that we all enjoy.

Freedom in a free world is again redefined by the greater powers.

The internet is a rich source of information and entertainment. We are connected to everyone who utilizes this network. We are exposed to things we can never see on network television; the internet has been our special place for shared experiences.

The internet is also a great source of revenue, from small blogs to big web sites like Facebook. If these bills are passed, this will greatly redefine our beloved internet, so again, as the title says, enjoy it while it lasts.

… we can protest, by simply informing everyone of these bills and their effects, we can build a greater voice, a greater force than those who want to control the internet for their own selfish reasons.

Share this post, inform your friends, tell them everything about what you’ve just read. Although SOPA is backed up by companies like Pfizer, Motion Picture Association of America and other selfish companies, there are also companies like Google, Facebook, Zynga, Twitter, Mozilla, Wikipedia and other companies who are against it.

But this is not enough. The bills are being “railroaded” in the US congress before any opposition can be made. If you are a US citizen, please write a letter to your congressman about these bills. To all non US netizens, you can sign up here to add your signature for an online petition to stop SOPA.

Please preserve the internet, stop the powers that want to destroy innovation and freedom.

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